



A.  Definition. This mark is a system for identifying converts to the ecumenical religion of the Tribulation. During the Roman Empire, the mark was an enlistment serial number burned on the arm of the Roman soldier. It is comparable to the credit card of today.


B.  The mark is related to the economy of the Tribulation, Rev 13:16-17. Those who reject the mark are excluded from the economy of the Revived Roman Empire. They cannot purchase anything without this card or mark.


C.  Unbelievers with the mark of the beast are punished in eternity in the lake of fire, Rev 14:9-11.


D.  Gentile supergrace martyrs in the Tribulation reject the mark of the beast, Rev 15:2. They are resurrected before the Millennium, Rev 20:4.


E.  Those with the mark are punished in time, according to Rev 16:2.


F.  Miracles are used to convert people to ecumenical religion, so that they become card-carrying ecumenicalists, Rev 19:20.




R. B. Thieme, Jr., Bible Ministries5139 West Alabama, Houston, Texas 77056 (713) 621-3740

© 1995, by R. B. Thieme, Jr.  All rights reserved.
